Autism is not a life sentence for poor sleep and tired days.
At Saskatchewan Behaviour Consulting we work with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Down Syndrome & Developmental Delays and their families to improve and resolve sleep challenges. With proper education and therapy, and support from me and their caregiver, these children can develop functional sleeping habits. We specialize in working with families with children ages 18 months to 19 years who want the best for their loved ones, want to improve the quality of life for the child and reduce parent-caregiver burnout.
We Can Help
Our area of specialty include:
Nighttime Routine Non-Compliance
When told to go to bed or bed relevant (brush teeth) get avoidance, non-compliance or defiant behaviour
Sleep-Interfering Behaviour
Bid the child good night (say good night) then the problem behaviour looks like calling out, crying in bed, curtain calls (sneak out of bed or asking for water, cuddles, food etc.), playing in bed, stereotypy
Delayed Sleep Onset
How long it takes to fall asleep (should be under 15 minutes)
Night Awakenings
Fell asleep and up for a long duration and eventually fell back asleep
Early Awakenings
When the child wakes up in the middle of the night, they are up for the rest of the day
Indiviualized Programs
Intensive Model
Caregiver Training
Monitoring Sessions
Why a Behavioural Approach for Sleep
As Behaviour Analysts, we view sleep as a skill set. Often, the clients that we work with do not have the skill set to aid good sleeping habits. Therefore, with intervention we can teach these “good sleep” behaviours such as: falling asleep quickly, staying asleep through the night, rising without much trouble each morning, and not feeling drowsy during the day.